Demand Congress pass an assault weapons ban NOW

We're only one month into 2023, and already there have been more mass shootings in this country than days this year. Gun violence is an epidemic and we must demand action from our leaders to stop the slaughter.

One meaningful way to tackle this crisis is with an assault weapons ban. The tragic shootings in recent years in Uvalde, Parkland, Las Vegas, San Bernardino, Sandy Hook, and so many more were carried out with an AR-15, a weapon designed to kill many people quickly. These assault weapons are tearing our country apart and don't belong on our streets – there is no reason for any civilian to have a weapon of war in their possession.

An assault weapons ban has been introduced in the Senate and we need Congress to pass it immediately and send it to President Biden's desk. Enough is enough. Sign your name now: Demand Congress ban assault weapons >>

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