Boycott The 2016 KNP Wild Horse Draft plan of Management NOW ! Stop the culling

  • av: Michelle Jenkins Brown
  • mottagare: Mark Speakman MP for Cronulla Environment and Heritage Minister. Mike Baird Premier of NSW

Please sign this petition to protect the Snowy Mountains Brumby from extinction. Dont allow the 2016 KNP Draft Plan of management become a reality, stand up to the government the Green movement and National Parks an Wild Life Services. Stop the lies NOW!! Be a Voice for our Snowy Brumby.

Dear Sir We the public request that the 2016 KNP Wild Horse Management Plan be scrapped immediately. This draft plan is a death sentence to our heritage horses with no humane inclusions whatsoever. We the public stand united as one to protect the lives of the Snowy Mountains Brumby. We request an immediate intervention and that all current activities cease (trapping and removal) of horses immediately which come under current 2008 Draft plan of management.

Yours kindly SBHeritagegroup 

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