URGENT: Demand New Animal Cruelty Laws in Canada, Now!

  • av: Elvira
  • mottagare: Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau and Chris Brittle

Animal abuse is on the rise in Canada, yet animal abusers go unpunished because animal cruelty laws in Canada have NOT been updated since 1892.

What can we do? Promote Bill C-246 - a bill that if passed will improve protection for animals.

Sign this petition to bring Bill C-246 into awarenes!

Animal abuse is on the rise in Canada, with most victims being dogs (70.1%), cats (20.9%), and other animals such as horses and livestock (24.1%). Animal abusers are also highly likely to commit other crimes, including domestic violence and child abuse.

Yet, these violent individuals go unpunished because ineffective animal cruelty laws in Canada have not been updated since 1892.

What can we do? There is currently a private member's bill before parliament - Bill C-246 - that would improve protection for animals.

Sign this petition to bring Bill C-246 into awareness and contact your MP directly using this ground-breaking tool:


Recent incidents of animal abuse at the hands of Dr. Mahavir Singh Rekhi (click here for more details: http://toronto.ctvnews.ca/employees-speak-out-after-vet-handed-10-month-suspension-for-choking-punching-animals-1.3072293) have me demanding for change NOW!

Please sign this petition, contact your MP, and spread the word!

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