NO Prospecting or Mining in Lochinvar National Park!

As you may be aware the Zambia Environmental Management Authority (ZEMA) on 20th January, 2016 approved two exploration mining licenses inside Lochnivar National Park in Monze district. The proponent, a company based in Zambia, has obtained two exploration licenses with a combined land area of approximately 800ha in order to facilitate the location of minerals to make - amongst other things - blackboard chalk. From experience in Lower Zambezi National Park mining project, this approval may give approval for the developer to obtain a mining license and to start mining.

Having taken on the issue of mining in Lower Zambezi National Park in a personal capacity, I believe the need to act quickly and to gather necessary information for advocacy is critical while the issue is current.

Please raise this serious issue to the attention of the general public, the media and the politicians the prospect of the impending environmental damage to this unique national park.

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