Stop McDonalds Suffering Today!

Picture a Big Mac.  Picture it sitting on the counter in a Mcdonalds restraunt.  Now imagine the suffering an animal had to go through to get you that small bit of food.  Picture a room filled with egg laying hens.  They are crammed into cages, each with about as much space as half a peice of paper.  Their beaks are burned off, and their legs and wings are bloody.  All that for an Egg Mcmuffin?  67 thousand cows die per day, and nearly twice that for chickens.  Not only that, Mcdonalds uses an outdated method for slaughter.  Chickens are scalded alive and their throats are cut while still concious.  Mcdonalds needs to end this cruelty right now.  Millions of animals are killed every year, so help end this TODAY!

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