Stop Animal Shows in Circus around the world !!

Would you like to be an Elefant stuck inside a trailer truck (like the one I saw the other day) for the rest of your life and coming out from it just to have few peoples laugh at you ? You should see the Elefant sad eyes scream for help and the head swinging left and right probably thinking ... WHY ??
Please help me to stop this ... SIGN the petition !! 

Dear WWF, "please" help me to BAN WORLD WIDE the use of animals in circuses. It is not right and it is useless to everyone ... circuses should be a place were to take our childrens to see "professional acrobats" and "funny clowns" and NOT to see "defenseless animals" being abuse for fun because it is NOT FUN at all !! What we want to teach to them ? PLEASE HELP ME TO HELP THEM !! Thank you very much. With great Love, Michael Signorello 

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