Demand an end to Spear Hunting in British Columbia!

  • av: James Macgregor
  • mottagare: Christy Clark - Premier of British Columbia, Canada

On Aug. 15, 2016, a video that appeared to show an American hunter spearing a black bear in Alberta reached 208,000 views on YouTube.

The video shows a black bear approach a bait bin placed in a wooded glen. A man, identified as American hunter Josh Bowmar, throws a spear equipped with a GoPro camera at the animal, piercing its stomach. The video shows the crew finding the carcass the next morning. The footage sparked widespread outrage, with many commenters posting harsh criticism and even death threats. ~ via Global News .

The public outcry has convinced the Government of Alberta to ban the practice of spear hunting in the province, during the upcoming fall session of the Alberta legislature. The proposed ban has the blessing of the Alberta Fish and Game Association.

Spear hunting is currently legal in British Columbia. We, the citizens of B.C. call on the Provincial Government to follow Alberta's lead and mandate an end to this barbaric hunting practice during the upcoming fall session of the British Columbia legislature.

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