We Won't Use Make Up That's Been Tested On Animals!

For a long time now, testing on animals for cosmetics has been banned in the UK and as of 2012, will also be stopped within the EU! However, there is a catch! Many well-known companies including L'Oreal, Max Factor and even Rimmel, still have the ingredients of their final products, tested on animals abroad and then exported to Europe.

This petition is to show these companies that we refuse to buy their products until they stop having the ingredients tested on animals!

For a free guide on cosmetics that are completely cruelty free, please log onto the BUAV website.

For a long time now, testing on animals for cosmetics has been banned in the UK and as of 2012, will also be stopped within the EU! However, there is a catch! Many well-known companies including L'Oreal, Max Factor and even Rimmel, still have the ingredients of their final products, tested on animals abroad and then exported to Europe.

This petition is to show these companies that we refuse to buy their products until they stop having the ingredients tested on animals!

For a free guide on cosmetics that are completely cruelty free, please log onto the BUAV website.

For a long time now, testing on animals for cosmetics has been banned in the UK and as of 2012, will also be stopped within the EU! However, there is a catch! Many well-known companies including L'Oreal, Max Factor and even Rimmel, still have the ingredients of their final products, tested on animals abroad and then exported to Europe.

This petition is to show these companies that we refuse to buy their products until they stop having the ingredients tested on animals!

For a free guide on cosmetics that are completely cruelty free, please log onto the BUAV website.

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