This Dog Walker Was Caught Hitting and Choking the Dog He Was Walking on Video

  • av: Care2 Team
  • mottagare: Medford Police Department

In a horrifying video shared on social media, a man who was hired as a dog walker, was filmed engaging in abusive behavior towards an innocent golden retriever. Witnesses reported and recorded the man striking the dog multiple times, lifting the animal off the ground by its collar in a choking manner, and subjecting the poor dog to verbal abuse. This shocking act of cruelty not only violated the trust placed in him by pet owners but also exposed a dog to unnecessary pain and fear.

The response from witnesses and the prompt action of local authorities led to the individual's arrest and the safe retrieval of the dogs under his care. However, this incident raises grave concerns about the mental stability and suitability of this person to own or care for animals now or in the future.

Sign the petition to urge authorities to ban this individual from ever owning or caring for animals again, and ask for mandatory counseling!

This petition is more than just a call for action; it is a plea for compassion, a demand for justice, and a rallying cry for the safety and welfare of our beloved pets. By signing, you stand with those who believe in a world where animals are treated with the respect and kindness they deserve. Let's unite to protect our pets from harm and ensure that those who betray their trust face the full consequences of their actions. Join us in demanding a safer, more compassionate community for all creatures, big and small.

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