Tell the Supreme Court to ban Trump from the 2024 ballot

The Supreme Court just heard arguments re: Colorado's effort to disqualify Trump from the ballot. And several judges expressed skepticism.  But the decision should be easy.

The Constitution makes it clear: If you engage in insurrection, you can't be president. It's right there in the 14th amendment. Accordingly, multiple states have now banned Trump from the ballot.

And the Supreme Court needs to do the same.

Add your name, and demand that the Court follow the Constitution, uphold the state bans, and make them nationwide.

This isn't about what the individual justices want to do, or the political ramifications they fear.  It's about what is plainly written in the Constitution. And we need to let the Court know that, and demand they act accordingly.

Add your name, and demand that the Court follow the Constitution, uphold the state bans, and make them nationwide.

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