Wild Mountain Lions killed by Rat Poison!

  • av: Edie Denker
  • mottagare: Los Angeles Mayor and City Counsel

Show your support by contributing to Citizens for Los Angeles WildlifePlease support Citizens for Los Angeles Wildlife (www.clawonline.org) and Los Angeles Council member Paul Koretz's to phase out and implement regulations on the sale, purchase and use of anticoagulant rodenticides (rat poisons)-that kills untargeted wildlife including bobcats, hawks, owls, coyotes, as well as pets. the use of rat poison has harmed wildlife intensively, especially in the Santa Monica mountains. Three mountain lions have been found dead from indirectly ingesting rat poison, let alone the price that the other animals are paying as well--not just wild, but house pets too!

picture shows less than a year old mountain lion found dead by a hiker on the point magu trail.

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