Help Stop Animal Testing Now!

Animal testing is a huge issue and many animals are suffering daily. Many people believe that animal testing has laid the foundation for numerous cures and scientific break throughs. But in reality, animal testing is not only cruel but it is also dangerous and ineffective. A total of 95% drugs tested on animals fail due to safety reasons or because they are ineffective. Animal testing is also cruel and inhumane. Over 25 million animals are currently not covered under the Animal Welfare Act, which makes them more susceptible to abuse and mistreatment. Many animals who are used in experiments are force fed, held in restraints for long periods of time, subjected to many injuries and deprived of food and water. There is no reason that this torture should go on any longer. With the advancement of modern technology, alternative methods now exist which can eliminate the use of animal testing. There is now a method called 'micro-dosing.' This method safely uses human volunteers. There are also many advancements in the use of “microfluidic chips” which can predict the toxicity of a drug without the cruelty of animal testing. It is inhumane and immoral to subject innocent animals to such cruel conditions knowing that there's better and more effective methods out there. Animals suffer and feel pain just like humans do, and it is unfair to subject them to these types of conditions just because they cannot stand up for themselves. These animals need our help now! The longer we wait to act, the longer these animals suffer. By signing this petition, we can be the voice for the millions of animals suffering daily. With enough signatures we can get this issue to the Whitehouse and hopefully make it a federal law to ban animal testing! 

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