Protect and Preserve Ponder

Residents of Ponder, Texas, let your voice be heard regarding the proposed FM2449 and Tx State Highway 156 overpass going through our little town. Community members who do not want to lose the charm of our small town, culture, heritage; we urge your support.

• Our schools already have traffic concerns, and this would make it worse
• We do not currently have the infrastructure to support the traffic it would create
• We are not interested in becoming another Southlake, Grapevine, etc.
• The feasibility plan is in place with current expected start date in 5-10 years

We can't wait until it is too late to make our concerns and wishes known to TxDOT and to our City Council members! We need to make it known now while there is still time to do something about it.

The proposal has been a shock to the residents inside the city limits affected by imminent domain and the possibility of losing our loved forever homes, as well as those outside the city limits (especially those who have children enrolled in our Ponder schools).

We originally thought it was TxDOT planning the overpass with the widening of FM2449, and that the citizens of Ponder didn't really have an option. However, we have learned that it is our City Officials who are wanting the overpass to go through our little town, when it would make more sense to be outside of the Town of Ponder.

We want it known, as members of the Ponder Community, that we do not want an overpass going through our town! Please join us by signing this petition now.

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