Save Amazon song birds!

Several bird species hang in the balance as Brazil decides whether to destroy some more of its rainforest. Weakened forest laws, that will allow more logging and forgive law breakers, have already been approved by Brazil's congress.

Meanwhile a recent Scientific American report shows the Rio Branco antbird, which lives only in the forests of Brazil and Guyana, is much more endangered than previously thought. This beautiful and fragile bird is scheduled to wink out of existence in twenty years--if forest destruction continues at its current pace. Also at risk is the hoary-throated spinetail. Occupying a mere 206 square kilometers,the spinetail could lose over 80 percent of its habitat. Tell Brazil's President Dilma Rousseff to veto weakened forest laws and save Brazil's wildlife!

We the undersigned urge you to veto the weakened forest laws that recently passed Brazil's congress. Recent studies show that the proposed laws are a death sentence to at least two species--the Rio Branco antbird and the hoary-throated spinetail. These rare birds exist only in Amazonian rainforests. You play an important role in saving these species for the future. Please don't destroy your remaining forests on behalf of cattle grazers.

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