A Man Tortured Little Puppies, Mutilating Their Paws and Legs

Authorities in Texas have charged a man with several counts of animal cruelty after they discovered he had tortured multiple puppies, mutilating them while they were alive and screaming.

Sign the petition to demand justice for these tortured puppies!

Disturbing details to follow. Read with caution.

When officials entered this man's property, they found evidence that he had partially dismembered six of the puppies there. He used some unknown object to cut or saw off their legs and paws - while the baby animals were still alive.

On one puppy, he cut off two of its legs.

Authorities also discovered an adult female dog, likely the pups' mama, dead on the property. One can only imagine the horror these helpless animals experienced as their mother passed away and they were sadistically tormented, without regard for their pain or wellbeing.

There is no way this man should ever own or live with animals again! His behavior also makes it clear that he could potentially be a danger to other humans as well.

Authorities must make sure to hold this puppy abuser accountable! Sign the petition to protect other animals as well as humans from this dangerous man!
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