Stop Construction of Road tha puts in Danger Manu National Park and Amarakaeri Reserve

  • av: L U
  • mottagare: Peruvian Government

The buffer zone of Manu National Park and Amarakaeri Reserve Communal in Madre de Dios, Peru has been affected for the construction of a road that has already deforested 70 ha (173 acres) of rainforest. This has been done for the governor of the zone without the support of the Peruvian Ministry of Enviroment nor the previous consultation prescribed by law and it has been suspended by a judicial measure and is under investigation.

We need to stop this construction that is putting in huge risk the rainforest and its habitat (not only for the lose of the forest per se but because it seems the most benefit would be the illegal mining). Park rangers have seen many small mammals, birds and insects have already started to moving away from the area. Please help us to stop this!

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