Ban the West Virginia January 6th felon from running for national office!

  • av: OD Action
  • mottagare: West Virginia legislature

Disgraced ex-state lawmaker Derrick Evans served three months in prison for his role in the Trump mob's January 6th attempt to overthrow the government. He was so enthusiastic about participating in the attack that he filmed himself cheering on the "revolution" as he did it!

Now he's chosen the two-year-anniversary of that dreadful day to announce his bid for a U.S. House Seat. "I chose today to announce my bid for the House of Representatives because it is an important anniversary in US history," Evans said in a statement. "While my name will indelibly be part of it, we should also use (it) as a chance to remind ourselves about why democracy is so important and how easily it can be threatened." He should have added "by people like me."

Tell the West Virginia legislature to bar January 6th felons from running for office!

While Evans was suitably contrite at his sentencing hearings ("I'm a good person who unfortunately was caught up in a moment"), as soon as he got out of prison he began trashing the prosecutions of the Jan 6 rioters as a "miscarriage of justice."

A hypocritical two-faced Republican political candidate is nothing new, but we cannot allow those that have actively participated in sedition against the United States and its democracy attempt to do so again from the inside.

Ban the West Virginia January 6th felon from running for national office!

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