They Force Animals Through the "Corridor of Death." Ban Bullfighting Events in Spain!

Spaniards are not staying quiet about the horrors of bullfighting and similar events in their country. Right now, some enthusiasts are preparing to celebrate the annual Running of the Bulls event in Pamplona, Spain - but animal lovers are working hard to remind everyone about the cruelties involved.

Sign the petition to tell Spanish authorities they must ban bullfighting and similar abusive events like bull running!

Jana Uritz, spokesperson for the Spanish animal rights group AnimaNaturalis summed it up best: "The bulls are the ones who are going to die, the ones that are going to pass through the so-called 'corridor of death' and, for us, bull running is just as bad and just as old as bullfighting."

Running with the bulls is not a simple, innocent activity like the name might suggest. While it starts with crowds frightening tormented animals, screaming and getting too close for comfort, it ends even worse. The bulls don't just get to simply run wild. Instead, organizers strategically arrange a path that will dead end - literally - in the Pamplona bullfighting ring.

And there, the animals become sport during bullfights later on during the annual festival. During those fights, each one will meet their violent, bloody deaths.

Spaniards are increasingly turning away from such brutality, with disapproval rates growing fast. The people who largely prop up these horrific events are actually international tourists! Spanish lawmakers should listen to the people, not naive visitors who don't understand the cruelty involved.

Lawmakers in Spain must listen to the growing chorus of constituents who oppose bullfighting! They must ban these blood sports entirely!
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