Stop Dog abuse and mistreatment in Sinaloa

  • av: Javier Paez
  • mottagare: Governor of Sinaloa Mario Lopez Valdez

Beacause dogs cant speak and defend themselves when they are abused. There is no such a things as a Humane Society in the state. Dog abuse should be legally considered a "Crime" in Sinaloa as other states in Mexico have achieved.

There are a lot of dogs in Sinaloa which live on the streets, and some a lucky to live  in homes, though, many of them  live in very poor conditions, e.g. tied to a leash for their entire life, up on a roof or back yard exposed to the elements the entire day... Sun, rain, cold, etc.  We ask for your help to change that and make this animal mistreatment  to be considered a crime and legally punish those who abuse dogs. No person in this planet should be allowed to own a dog or any other animal if its not provided a decent living.

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