End cruelty to lobsters

  • av: Paul Harman
  • mottagare: gov.ca.gov;sd10.senate.ca.gov/contact;charlescalderon.com

Lobsters are put, alive and conscious, into boiling water to cook them.  Restaurants and markets often call this "steaming."  This is torture to animals.
Please sign this petition.   It is being addressed to Governor Jerry Brown, State Senate majority leader Ellen Corbett, and State Assembly majority leader Charles Calderon of California.  The state that led in banning foie gras can also lead in stopping the torture of lobsters.

Dear Governor Brown, State Senate Majority Leader Corbett, and State Assembly Majority Leader Calderon,

Animals can feel pain just as humans do.  The placing of live lobsters into boiling water to "steam" or cook them amounts to cruelty to animals.  We request that California lead the way in ending this cruelty.


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