She Was Tied to a Car And Dragged to Her Death

A poor female dog was hitched to a car and made to run behind it until she tired. At that point she was dragged to her death. This heinous act of animal abuse cannot go unpunished.

Please sign the petition to demand police take this case seriously and get some answers. 

The dog was a female french bulldog, around 2 years old, and it was clear she had recently had a little of pups. That means she has unattended pups somewhere who will never see their mother again.

Her death was likely slow and painful. The skin on her feet was all gone, probably from trying to run behind a car. She had skin that had been ripped off as she was dragged to her needless death. We know that people who are cruel to animals are often also cruel to people. That's just another reason that police need to get serious about catching this offender. 

Please sign on to help us get justice for this sweet pup.

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