Ban The Export Of Dogs & Cats To Countries Where They Will Be Eaten!

    Dogs and cats are being exported for food! Add your name if you want to ban this cruel practice, NOW!

    There are still many countries in the world where dogs and cats are considered a culinary delicacy:

    1. China.

    2. Vietnam.

    3. South Korea.

    4. Indonesia.

    5. Philippines.

    6. Nigeria.

    Often, ignorant people ascribe superstitious beliefs to consuming dog or cat meat. For example, in Nigeria, some people believe that eating dog meat can build your immune system, or enhance your sex life.

    But it gets much worse...

    Many people in these countries believe that the more the animal suffers, the more tender and tasty the meat will be.

    "Slaughter methods include hanging, electrocution, and beatings with pipes and hammers. Cats are often boiled alive, and dogs are routinely blow-torched to remove their fur and to brown their skin.

    "The myth being perpetuated by dog-meat and cat-meat dealers is that the more pain suffered by these animals, the more tender and aphrodisiac the meat is.

    "Dog-meat (boshintang) stew is not an ancient tradition, as these dealers claim; the commercial trade of dogs for consumption began in 1980, when a boom in the Korean economy made the once-scarce livestock meats" such as beef and pork "suddenly affordable.

    "At the time, the dog-meat trade consisted of only a handful of dealers, who, fearing loss of business, quickly marketed the myth that dog-meat stew is a traditional cure-all health food. These same dealers also began the practice of cat consumption in South Korea.

    "Companions and strays are repeatedly bludgeoned with hammers or placed in sacks, which are then pounded on the ground," according to the testimony of Kyenan Kum, from South Korea.

    Other countries factor into this absurd cruelty by exporting dogs and cats to countries where they will be tortured, killed and eaten.

    Egypt is one of the leading exporting countries.

    As you know, Egpyt is a majority Muslim nation. Many Muslims revile dogs because of an Islamic tradition that states, whenever dogs are present, the good deeds of human beings will not be recorded by guardian angels, while their evil deeds will continue to be recorded, according to Muslim lecturer and British television presenter Abdur Raheem Green.

    Egypt announced that it will be exporting thousands of dogs and cats to some of the countries mentioned above, so that they can profit off of cruelty.

    Don't you believe that dogs and cats are meant to be companions for humans, not slaughtered for food?

    Then add your name to ask Ezz El-Din Abu Steit, Egyptian Minister of Agriculture, to recognize the hypocrisy of participating in this savage cruelty to dogs and cats, and introduce legislation in parliament that would ban the export of those animals to countries where they will be tortured and eaten!
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