Investigate Jared Kushner’s crooked new investments!

Guess who's back at the corruption game again? That's right, one Jared Kushner, former White House advisor to disgraced ex-president Donald Trump and guy whose private equity fund was the recipient of $2 billion in shady funding from the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia.

That private equity fund, Affinity Partners, just landed a huge deal for a $150 million stake in the Shlomo group, and is aiming for another quarter-billion dollar deal with Israel's Phoenix Insurance Agencies.

Investigate Jared Kushner's shady new Israeli investments!

During his time in the White House, Kushner worked closely with both Israel and Saudi Arabia, allegedly giving the Saudis classifed intelligence used to crack down on internal dissidents and helped craft an Israel-Palestinian "peace deal" that hugely favored the Israelis, leading to the Palestinians boycotting it entirely.

Now out of office, he's collecting big bucks and making deals all over the Middle East. House Democrats are renewing their push to hold him accountable, and even GOP Oversight chair James Comer has admitted Kushner's dealings "crossed the line of ethics." It's time to hold him accountable.

Investigate Jared Kushner's crooked new investments!

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