Stop Sending Live Baby Chicks Through the Mail

  • av: Care2 member
  • mottagare: Postmaster General of the United States

"A woman’s ex-boyfriend recently completely legally sent her 15 live baby chicks through the mail. The baby chicks were sent along with a note from the ex-boyfriend that said “there are lots of other chicks out there.” The woman was allegedly planning on dumping the baby chicks in a dumpster before the USPS member stepped in and offered to take them to the Washington Humane Society. Nine of the chicks are currently at Poplar Spring Animal Sanctuary while the other six are being cared for by Peaceful Fields Sanctuary in Virginia. All 15 chicks are in good health, although one had an injured leg and is in the process of recovering.

One might wonder how this could possibly be legal. The United States Postal Service has a list of mailable live animals, and under this list is a whole host of animals that are only required to be under 24 hours old in order to be mailed. This recent headline of live animals being mailed will hopefully cause the debate to resurface over this cruel law. In the past, it was reported that 1,000 baby chicks had died when they were being shipped from Iowa to Kentucky. Mailing live animals is outrageous and should not be legal due to the risks it poses to these animals and how cruel it is. We need to change the laws that allow this before any more baby chicks are put through this ordeal."


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