California: Don't Reverse Foie Gras Ban!

In 2004, the California Legislature scheduled a ban on foie gras that is planned to take effect on July 1, 2012. Recently, 100 California chefs signed a petition to overturn the ban. Some chefs are visiting state legislators in an attempt to find a sponsor for a bill that would overturn the ban.

Foie gras is French for "fat liver." Its production involves inserting a tube down a bird's throat and force feeding it so its liver becomes engorged. While some foie gras producers are more humane than others, all use the unatural practice of force-feeding birds to create an unecessary and unhealthy food.

Foie gras was once forbidden in the U.S. and is currently banned in the U.K. and several other European countries. Please sign the petition to support the scheduled foie gras ban in California.

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