Fairness for AMS Security Workers

Security workers at the UBC Alma Mater Society are fighting for a fair contract. Currently, the AMS pays its security staff significantly less than its administrative staff, who also receive greater benefits. The Canadian Office and Professional Employees Union Local 378, which represents both groups, is calling on the AMS to recognize that it's unfair to pay its hard-working security staff - many of whom are working themselves through school or supporting families - less than its other employees.

Tell the UBC AMS that it's time to end the systemic wage discrimination against the people who devote their time and energy to making AMS property safer for students and faculty.

We the undersigned are writing to ask that you work out a fair contract with AMS Security workers. Security workers are members of our campus community and many of them are working themselves through school or supporting families. However, they continue to be paid significantly less than the rest of the AMS administrative staff.

It's time to end the systemic wage discrimination against the people who devote their time and energy to making AMS property safer for students and faculty.

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