Maximum Sentence for Donkey Mutilators!

Two Central Texas men mutilate pet donkeys!

In Northwest Travis County, two men were charged with mutilating pet donkeys.  A woman had raised miniature donkeys for more than a decade on her property in Northwest Travis County.  On December tenth, the woman got a call at work from a neighbor who said her two female donkeys appeared dead.  She raced home. She had raised those donkeys for 14 years. Both were pregnant. And both, it appeared, had been butchered.

One donkey, her name was Teesa, had her head completely severed.

Initially, a deputy believed a pack of wild dogs may have been the culprit, possibly a mountain lion.

But further questioning led the investigation elsewhere.  

One of the donkey's heads was missing from the gruesome scene.

And residents said someone in the neighborhood was showing off the remains.

"It boiled down to people bragging about what they had done to the right person and that person came forward," said Roger Wade, Travis County Sheriff's Department.

Wednesday afternoon, KVUE News was in the neighborhood where the crime happened when deputies showed up to arrest Hancock. Johnsted had not been arrested as of Wednesday evening.  Both men are charged with cruelty to animals - a state jail felony.

That's six months to two years in jail and up to a ten thousand dollar fine. Bond was set at $30,000 dollars.

Please sign this signature to ensure that these heinous abusers get the maximum sentence for their crimes.  These donkeys were this woman's children, no more so than our dogs and cats are our children.  Nothing can bring her children back, but  by signing this petition, you are sending a message loud and clear that  animals deserve the same respect and justice under the law!
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