Stop considered FACTORY FARM in Erin Prairie, Wisconsin

We have formed this alliance to stop the permitting of a considered Erin Prairie, St. Croix County, Wisconsin factory farm.  We feel passionately that a factory farm is not an asset to our community or any community.  This considered factory farm in Erin Prairie would house 3800 dairy cows.  This factory farm would be located within 2 to 3 miles from the New Richmond high school campus.  It would be located close to many residents who purchased their homes feeling safe and free of outside forces to undermine and denigrate their health and happiness, and that of the land upon which they live.  We feel that this type of farming is purely industrial in its nature and poisons our waterways, our air, our land, and our private wells.  Just one of many by-products of these factories is Hydrogen Sulfide gas, defined by The Chemistry Dictionary as: EXCEEDINGLY POISONOUS (more toxic than hydrogen cyanide).  THIS IS A TOTALLY UNACCEPTABLE RISK FOR ALL, BUT ESPECIALLY CHILDREN!!!!!For more info read the 2008 Pew Commission on Industrial Farm Animal Production report, available at or search the net using 'factory farms'.  To get on a mailing list and/or to get more involved write us at  PLEASE HELP ELIMINATE FACTORY FARMING....sign our petition and/or write us for help, comments, and to share ideas.  Thank you!
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