Tell Burberry To Stop Using Fur!

  • av: Dorine de Haan, Peta2
  • mottagare: Burberry:;;
Tell Burberry to stop the use of fur in their designs. Cats, dogs, raccoons, mink, etc are being cruelly slaughtered for fashion. Don't stand by this, oppose it.

Please watch the video and sign the petition.

Thank you.

We, the undersigned, are of the following opinion:

Fur is cruel and unnecessary, and the fur industry is putting cruelty in the limelight and exposing the companies which use it as uncaring and uncompassionate. Animals that are killed for their skins are slaughtered in unusually cruel methods, such as anal electrocution, drowning and gassing. This is all completely pointless, as there are alternatives to real animal skins that look and feel exactly the same.

By not using fur, you will show that your company is forward-thinking in the same way your competitors are, including Vivienne Westward, Stella McCartney, Ralph Lauren, Calvin Klein and Mark Bouwer.

Please stop using fur in your designs and adopt a fur-free policy.
Thank you for your time.

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