Urge Boston to Ban Plastic Bags

Globally, plastic bags are at the center of an environmental crisis. Not only are large quantities of oil used in manufacturing and transporting the bags around the world, but the bags have also created a massive plastic island in the Pacific, destroying marine life and fragile ocean ecosystems.

The Boston City Council has previously considered banning the use of plastic shopping bags in supermarkets, pharmacies, and convenience stores. A measure that bans the use of plastic bags in large retail stores prevents the addition of more plastic bags to the hundred billion that already end up in American landfills each year.

Sign this petition to ask the Boston City Council to take the important step of banning plastic bags in retail stores throughout the city.
We the undersigned ask you to take the important step of banning the use of plastic bags in supermarkets, pharmacies, and convenience stores throughout Boston. Globally, plastic bags are at the center of an environmental crisis, and a measure that bans the use of plastic bags in large retail stores prevents the addition of more plastic bags to the hundred billion that already end up in American landfills each year. We urge you to institute this important ban immediately to prevent further environmental destruction.
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