Demand a registry for animal abusers

Firstly, I would like to say this is an issue that needs a proactive solution that will help deter this level of crime.

The issue is this:

1. Animal abusers don't always get caught, and when they are caught they are given the minimum amount of sentencing, which doesn't aquate to the level of crime committed.

2. The level of sentencing if there is any doesn't aquate to the crime. Animals don't have a voice now is the time for us as human beings to stand and speak up for them.

My goals for this petition are:

1. to get 20,000 signatures and give this to petition to Teresa May, the British Prime Minister in person.

2. To see a registry is set up for animal abusers, just like for pedophiles.

3. This registry will be compulsory for the abusers, and their names would be placed on the registry as soon as they are convicted of a crime against animals.

4. They should be banned from having animals for life.

I personally haven't witness this, but everyday on Facebook and Twitter I see links to stories of where animals are abused and tortured. And I don't just mean dog fighting which is bad enough, but by other means of torture and horror, which are too much to speak of. This is the time to say enough is enough and this must stop now!!!

Did you know the dog spelled backwards was God?? Did you know that God gave us a dog to be with us, to love and cherish us. It was God's sign to us that He is with us always. We were and are excepted to love and cherish them back!!! 

So why do we as human beings think it's right to harm these beautiful creatures that were God given???? WE DO NOT HAVE THAT RIGHT!!!!!! So STOP!!!!! Now is the time to start loving, cherishing, and respecting our four legged friends.

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