End the irresponsable hunting in Sweden

Too many wild animals are suffring from the actions of irresponsable hunters in Sweden, all year around. The hunters are bringin children to the hunt, they are drinking alcohol in the woods, they are pointing their guns not only against defensless, innocent animals, but also cows, horses, dogs and people who want to enjoy nature in a peaceful way. Photographers, berrie- or mushroom pickers, joggers and many, many more are afraid to enter the woods during hunting season, due to the many hunting accidents that happens every year. And further more, these terrified animals (such as mooses and deers) are running out of the woods and in to private gardens, doing damage and eating rotting apples, which makes them "drunk" and in that state, they could become dangerous and attack people. They also run into the roads and both animals and humans gets killed in traffic accidents a lot during this horrible season.

There are so many more examples of the damage that this irresponsable hunting is making, but the most important is of course that anyone, no matter if they're disabled, alcoholics or know how to handle a gun, can join the hunters, and that must stop NOW. We need inspectors and we need to solve the unbalance in the nature caused by us humans in a peaceful way, not by killing and harming thousands of animals every year.

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