Dirty gold mine is leaving Peruvians high and dry

  • mottagare:  Mr. President of the Republic of Peru, Mr. Ollanta Humala,

Tragic news from the northern Peruvian region Cajamarca reach us on 5 July 2012. For the past 30 days the public has answered back to plans for the expansion of the Conga mine with a general strike. This mine is situated at important river heads and lagoons which provide water for Cajamarca, but also for the Amazon basin. The mining is depriving the people of their water and is contaminating it with cyanide and heavy metals. 

President Ollanta Humala's government has declared a state of emergency for three provinces and is using force to suppress protests. Five people were shot dead by the military, among them two minors. Numerous others were seriously injured and randomly arrested. 


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