UEA's handling of mental health!

Someone very dear to me is facing expulsion from the uni. His only crime seems to be that he fell behind his work in the form of ONE essay, because of struggles with mental health. Besides that one essay he actually went on to do quite well. Now in second year he faces either expulsion or doing first year again all because of this. UEA has once again failed in this aspect of student care. Last year so many people failed to get help when they needed it, being put on waiting list after waiting list (some waiting as long as 8 months!). There were also the tragic suicides of three young students who had their whole lives ahead of them. I say, enough! UEA needs to start actively helping students struggling with their mental health and not blame or punish them when all they need to get back up, is help. Let's start now using our signatures, let's make the uni listen up to what we have to say. Please sign, help my friend stay in uni where he deserves to be and start making UEA notice that more needs to be done.

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