Stop animal testing J & J

  • av: Trisha T
  • mottagare: Johnson & Johnson Company
Johnson & Johnson Co. continues to test their products on animals even with the growing number of alternative methods for evaluating product safety. They are in the top 10 of companies around the world yet see no reason to stop using animals as test dumbies. These poor animals are extensively tested on till they pass away. Johnson & Johnson is a brand of more than just what you see their name on in the title. They also produce suchs products as; Skin ID, Acuvue, Listerine, Disitin, Rogaine, Aveeno, Sudafed, Purell, Band-Aid, Reach, Tylenol, Stayfree, KY, OB, Neosporin, Motrin, Pepcid, Mylanta and much more. 
We the undersigned are asking you to stop animal testing at your company. There is np longer any excuses to continue this abuse of animals....there are many alternative ways to test your products. Your motto is "Caring for the world, one person at a time". How about just caring for the world and everyone in it. Please take serious consideration into this petition and make the right choice in putting a stop to these horrible methods that kill innocent lives. Thank you for your attention to our concerns.
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