Steven Spielberg- Help save the animals you helped kill!

Over 100,000,000 sharks are killed every year, that's 190 sharks per minute. It is estimated that in 10 years sharks will be extinct.

Mr. Spielberg you did not start the hideously cruel and barbaric act of shark finning. But after your megahit JAWS hit the movie screens, shark deaths rose dramatically as you demonized this fish into a supernatural killer from beyond. It's time you used your good name (and some of your millions) to help publicize, educate and eradicate this barbarism before the animal that made you rich and world famous becomes extinct throughout the world!

Dear Mr. Spielberg- you did not start the hideously cruel and barbaric act of shark finning. But after your megahit JAWS hit the movie screens, shark deaths rose dramatically as you demonized this fish into a supernatural killer from beyond. It's time you used your good name (and some of your millions) to help publicize, educate and eradicate this barbarism before the animal that made you rich and world famous becomes extinct throughout the world!

Over 100,000,000 sharks are killed every year, that's 190 sharks per minute. It is estimated that in 10 years the sharks will be extinct.

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