Demand an end to the drugging, dragging and/or the use of wild animals for massive entertainment

  • av: Kim Edwards
  • mottagare: Russia's Tigre de Cristal Casino

It is an outraged to see young cubs, being torn from their mother, shortly after birth, to be drugged and carted around a casino's party. Most of the cubs are an endangered species and are clearly in an incapacitated state. They are used for the guest's cub petting attraction and entertainment. It is frustrating that the casino "began with a crime — animal abuse"

The young Amur Tiger was dragged/carted around the casino floor. Barely conscious, her inner eyelids drooped shut, leaving her with a blank red stare. The casino purchased the young cub, for around $6,800 from a zoo. The cub now lives at a nearby private zoo and will be available for the casino to parade out on demand for future "themed" parties.

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