Stop puppy farms and the killing of healthy dogs in our pounds

I have 3 rescue dogs and there are a lot of people who would willingly give these animals a home if pounds made an effort to find them.  A neighbour of ours passed away and left behind 2 collie dogs.  A neighbour was feeding and caring for them but the Dog Warden was called and the dogs taken away.  Another neighbour wanted to take one in for a working dog and arrived at the pound an hour after the warden and the collie was already put down.  

To Whom it May Concern 

I am writing to ask for more stringent laws regarding puppy farming in Ireland and the putting down of healthy animals who could be rehomed.  The punishment for puppy farms and animal welfare violations needs to be harsh to get the message across to people that this will not be tolerated.

Funding should be made available to rescue centres to help them care and rehome animals who are abandoned or mis treated.

kindest regards,

Ann McCarthy 

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