Stop Shooting Animals

  • av: Iluminada Dorvi
  • mottagare: Police Department of Los Angeles, UNO President

Animals are innocent and unimpeachable creatures of this world especially if we talk about animals that are used to serve human beings then their significance in the society has also been increased. The main agenda of this petition to condemn the act of brutality that has been occurred at the middle of a public street near Sylmar in the San Fernando Valley.

According to Police Department of Los Angeles, a horse found dead and its tail was tied with the telephone pole. According to investigation authorities, horse was killed in an inhuman manner. On the other hand, a large number of gunshot wounds have also been found on its body as well. I demand from administrative authorities and Los Angeles Police Department to do not only investigate the entire case in appropriate manner but they should also take some serious steps for animals’ security. However, this incident also slaps on our modern society as well who gives great statements for human security and in actual, it is unable to protect an animal like horse.

Iluminada Dorvil – PR at YT views

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