Columbia County DA: Charge Opossum Abusers with Animal Cruelty

  • av: Laura G
  • mottagare: Thomas E. Leipold, District Attorney for Columbia County, Pennsylvania

In disturbing images posted on Snapchat, young men at a party in Pennsylvania can be seen forcing an opossum to drink beer, kissing it and then dumping it in a trash can.

The three abusers have been identified as David Snook, Michael Tice and Morgan Ehrenzeller, a student at Bloomsburg University.

While Bloomsburg University is investigating the incident's violation of the college's student code of conduct, the Pennsylvania Game Commission has charged the three young men with disturbance of game or wildlife and unlawful taking or possession of game or wildlife. The most punishment they're facing is up to a $1,500 fine and three months in prison for the first charge, and a $200 fine for the other one.

The Pennsylvania Game Commission and Bloomsburg University claim the opossum survived the ordeal, but people commenting on social media say the abusers beat it with a baseball bat and set it on fire.

According to Pennsylvania's recently toughened animal cruelty laws, it's a felony of the third degree to intentionally torture an animal, causing serious bodily injury or death. In addition to the other charges, Snook, Tice and Ehrenzeller should be charged with animal cruelty, for which they'd each face up to seven years in jail and/or a $15,000 fine.

Please sign and share this petition urging Columbia County District Attorney Thomas E. Leipold to press animal cruelty charges against Snook, Tice and Ehrenzeller for abusing the opossum.

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