Demand The Vanuatu Government Enforce Its Animal Welfare Laws

  • av: Virginia James
  • mottagare: The Minister for Tourism and Commerce of the Government of Vanuatu

All too often in Vanuatu dogs live lives of neglect, impoverishment and fear. The Government has laws that would make sure dogs have adequate shelter, nourishing food and access to veterinary care. Yet many dogs have no home, little food, and are left to suffer when they are sick.

Emaciated dogs roam, scavenging for any scraps they can find, often badly affected by mange and other diseases. And these dogs often have litter after litter, bringing more puppies into this life of hardship and suffering.     

Can you help us urge the Government of Vanuatu to enforce its existing laws so that these dogs get the animal welfare protection they deserve and are entitled to? 

Thank you so much for your support.  

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