Save the Animals!

So many people try out their shampoos and makeup and other things on animals to make sure that it doesn't hurt us humans. This is cruel. What makes them lesser than us? Just because they can't talk, can't physically tell you that it hurts, or that they don't like what you're doing? Help save these animals, stop animal testing!
We the undersigned, want to stop animal testing. These poor creatures are just like us. They feel pain, and not only that, but they have emotions just like us. They can be happy, sad, guilty, lonely, etc. No one wants to be treated like this. No one wants to have poisonous things injected, rubbed, or sprayed on or into their face. I have pets, and I love them. I would never want them to be hurt just so I can wear nice makeup or expensive shampoo. Do you have a pet? Take a minute to think about him or her. Would you like to see them all burnt and torn and broken? No. So why should other, less fortunate animals have to go through that? Thank you for your time, and please consider my plea. 
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