Repeal the Miami-Dade Pit Bull Law

In 1989, Miami-Dade County instituted a ban on pit bulls in response to isolated incidents that involved pit bulls attacking humans. By instating this law, Miami-Dade addressed the side effects of the issue. Instead, we should than tackle the root of the problem, irresponsible and abusive owners.

Breed discrimination is ineffective. The ban on pit bull's has been in place for over 25 years, yet between 2006-2009 there was an average of 600 pit bull's euthanized per year. This ban contributes to the high kill status at Miami-Dade animal shelter. A dog's temperament is determined by early experiences, not simply by the breed. Therefore, we should hold owners accountable and responsible by implementing anti-chaining laws and require early socialization of pit bull's to promote non abusive ownership of pit bulls. This is a problem of irresponsible owners, not an aggressive breed of dog.

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