Put an immediate end to the cruel trade and export of monkeys for research

  • av: Slava Radakovic
  • mottagare: Navinchandra Ramgoolam, Prime Minister of Mauritius

A recent private investigation by BUAV and Soko-Tierschutz has unveiled the horrific truth about what really happens to monkeys of Mauritius upon reaching the labs. The investigation which took place at the Max Planck Institute for Biological Cybernetics in Germany (MPI), a leading European research facility.  

Long-tailed macaques are consistently subjected to deprivation, stress and suffering for basic research. Subjected furthermore to major surgery to have a metallic chamber implanted in their skulls, after which they suffer swelling, bruising and severe bleeding head wounds. For some, their head wounds become severely infected, including with MRSA, resulting in further suffering and discomfort. Demand the prime minister of Mauritius to put an immediate end to this inhumanity.

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