Stop Beating and Drowning Dogs Hangzhou - The World is Watching.

  • av: Linda Hunt
  • mottagare: Ambassador Liu Xiaoming

In Hangzhou, China, police have begun to brutally kill dogs this week. Following the implementation of strict pet ownership rules, a citywide campaign has led to dogs being held underwater and drowned, beaten in the streets and taken from their owners. Tell Hangzhou that this is barbaric and unacceptable.

Actions you can take:
- Visit their facebook and leave them a comment telling them why you will not be visiting.
- Write to your relevant representative: 'His Excellency Liu Xiaoming - Ambassador of the People's Republic of China to the UK' or 'His Excellency Cui Tiankai - Ambasador of the People's Republic of China in the US.'
- Boycott the World Dog Show Shanghai 2019
-Boycott the Asian Games 2022

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