Careywood Idaho has had a Post Office since the late 1800's. The present Post Office has been in its same location/building since the early 1930's. It served the growing area through WWll and into the 21st century. This is rural country. For many people its is 7+ miles one way from their homes to the current Post Office. A true hardship, and at times dangerous drive in the harsh northern Idaho winters. Forcing the residents of Careywood, many elderly, multigenerational farmers and ranchers, to travel 40 plus miles roundtrip to get their mail/packages or ship out from another Post Office threatens the very integrity and concept of Universal Service; the Postal Service's primary obligation under the law. PLease sign this petition to save your Post Office.

Uppdatera #19 år sedan
Still working with Senator Crapo's office to save the Post Office. If you haven't come by and signed petition or written your Legislatures' please do so. Thanks
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