Universal Background Check for Gun Purchase

  • av: Anonymous
  • mottagare: President of the United States, United States Congress

We, the American people, overwhelmingly support universal background checks for the purchase of guns. We are outraged that certain U.S. Senators buckled to pressure from the gun lobby and other organizations to kill legislation that has already been proposed. In light of that response, we hereby petition that new universal background check legislation be proposed and be voted on by the U.S. Senate as soon as possible.

The U.S. Congress recently failed to pass legislation that would have closed most of the loopholes in the present background check system. It appears that many senators were pressured to vote negatively by the gun lobby and other organizations. Considering the outrage expressed by the American people, who are overwhelming in favor of this legislation, we want new universal background legislation to be considered as soon as possible. Also Need Banning gun sales to violent offenders To ban a person with a violent criminal background from buying guns with Universal Background Checks 
This is to prevent the senseless mass murders that are too common in the United States.

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