Demand equality for David

We all know David from school! He is a very loving, gently, innocent soul. David wouldn't hurt a fly, but if a fly could hurt David he would and David would still love him. This is sad. But right now, he's being discriminated against at his work because he is disabled. We must stand together to stop this harassment!

I recently spoke with David's mother about an incident that happened at his job, McDonald's on Armory Drive in Franklin, Virginia. The manager at McDonald's took David off the schedule because a customer reported that he supposedly "intentionally" mopped over her feet. Please note that he still has his job, just less days on the schedule, and his mother says their trying to get rid of him.

If you know David, then you know that first.....that's a lie. Secondly, punishing someone like David who has no understanding of why he couldn't work has really hurt and affected him. And to top it off, the manager told his mother "You need to give him some medicine."

David has been an employee at McDonald's for over 16 years. Longer than any employee or manger. The new manger doesn't seem to like David and it's not because of David but because David is disabled. That is discrimination and wrong in so many ways. David has been there longer than she has. She wants David fired and I believe he is being set up for that.

We need to understand the true meaning of equality. Equality. It's a powerful word. The idea of everyone having equal rights is inspiring. The problem is that some people won't go to the full length needed in order to achieve equality. Including for those of us who are diasabled. In the Equality Act, a disability means a physical or a mental condition which has a substantial and long-term impact on your ability to do normal day to day activities, which includes people like David.

David deserves to be treated fairly, the same as any other human being and to have his rights proctect that. Let's tell McDonald's to treat disabled employees, including David, ethically and to end all discrimination. Please help by signing this petition!

Uppdatera #15 år sedan
Keep going y’all. Over #800 signatures. I thank each and everyone of you for your support
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