EPA - Save Our Sea Life

"It's time for the Environmental Protection Agency to act to save our sea life! Protect our coastal ecosystems and communities from ocean acidification. If the EPA waits too long, the impacts on our oceans -- their coral reefs, fisheries and other marine life -- could be devastating. 

The president and the EPA have the power to prevent the harmful impacts of ocean acidification. We urge the EPA to use its authority under the Clean Water Act to:

-- develop a national plan to address ocean acidification;
-- identify waters impaired by ocean acidification

The pollution is carbon dioxide, and it's making our oceans more acidic. Ocean acidification is linked to global warming in that both are caused by CO2 buildup and both threaten to cause unprecedented devastation to the planet's biome.

Even though you can't see it, this pollution threatens our sea life -- from the smallest of plankton to the greatest of whales."

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