Texas Republicans Want to Force Religion into Public Schools

In the latest efforts by Texas Republicans to turn the state into one giant Christian church, legislators want to require every single class in every single public school to display the Ten Commandments. Yes, you read that right: Senate Bill 1515 would force all teachers to prominently display a Christian religious document in their classrooms. On top of that, Republicans are also hoping to get Christian chaplains into public schools.

Not if we have anything to say about it.

The Texas Senate is in violation of the Constitution's separation of church and state. Sign now to tell them to repeal this bill!

The Republicans supporting this bill claim that it would be a "win for religious freedom" in the Lone Star State. But the reality is the opposite. Publicly posting a clearly Christian document in schools reminds all students who aren't Christian that they don't belong. So whose religion is gaining "freedom" here?

Republicans say they care about First Amendment rights, but only when those rights involve protecting from being "cancelled" over their free speech. Apparently, when it comes to freedom from tyrannical, state-imposed religion, GOP lawmakers couldn't care less about Constitutionally-provided rights.

Can you imagine if a Muslim legislator proposed mandated prayer in schools, or if a Jewish politician drafted a bill that forced all students to celebrate Hanukkah? What if a Hindu, Buddhist, or even a pagan politician wanted signs to be posted relating to their religions? Texas Republicans would lose their minds - which is obvious hypocrisy.

Clearly, this is part of an effort to force Christianity on all Texans - starting with children in schools. And we won't have it.

Texas legislators must reject this awful bill and commit to protecting the separation of church and state. Sign the petition now if you agree!
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